Part 14: Chapter XIII: Back to the Beginning
Chapter XIII: Back to the BeginningChallenge: Show off more dragon forms, and don't use Kyrie on the first boss
Yeah, I've got two additional forms, and you'll see both in this update.
Last time, Garr attempted to kill Ken, and it ended disastrously. We pick back up an unspecified amount of time later.
It seems like Garr has gone back to his ways, hunting dragons.
It doesn't matter what you choose, Garr responds the same way.
Garr places a bag on the ground
Here's our new and (not at all) improved Ken, starting off at the same place he was before, Dauna Mine. Starting off at the same spot is symbolic n' shit.
The first part is the exact same place from the intro, just expanded. No encounters yet.
But heading the other way on the platform nets us a Vitamin, a Life Shard, and a Magic Shard. Not bad.
The elevator. Marvel at it's lack of a cord or door
This is B1. Still no encounters, but that box has a Light Clothing, a fairly weak armor that's only purpose is that it has a weight of 1, increasing your agility. Following the path takes you to a shop though, in case you need to stock up.
But B2 is the way out, so we head there instead.
Our first new enemy is the Giant Roach. They are harmless unless paired with a Fire Slug (from the Dump, they make a reappearance here). In that case, they use a Skill called Douse that lowers your flame resistance, leaving you a sitting duck to Firebreath. Fortunately, it has a low accuracy but still, take care of them (or better yet the Fireslugs) fast. They can also teach Jump.
And these are Zombie Doctors. When weakened, they cast Vitalize on the whole enemy party, killing each and every one of them. No idea why they're even here.
Here's the puzzle of the day
And here's our prize. We need to hit those switches so Garr can move the cart, have it land in the space, and then let us walk across the top to get the treasure.
So let's shove off.
Here's our prize a unique, missable sword. Stronger than anything we got (unless you bought an incredibly expensive, heavy ass sword in Junk Town. It's wind elemental and has a weight of 1. We equip it immediately for the agility boost.
Did I mention the cart is loaded with explosives? Because sometime between when Garr entered the mine and now, a giant rock materialized, blocking the path.
Bye bye rock!
Dragon Zombie: Guardian... It's been...what? 400 years? You, who tried to exterminate us... Where are you taking Ryu?
Dragon Zombie: Why? To make a sacrificial offering of the last dragon?
Dragon Zombie: Ha! Ryu...Kill him! Avenge our people's memories!! They destroyed us! The Guardians killed us all! No!? Why not!? Don't you despise him? Don't you hate him?
Dragon Zombie: Silence! You have no right!
And the fight against the Dragon Zombie begins. This is where the game takes off the kid gloves. Dragon Zombie has a whopping 2500 HP. However, if you learned Kyrie from Hondara (or leveled up Garr to the 20's where he learns it on his own), you can OHKO him. We won't be doing that.
This is Rotten Breath. It deals no damage, but poisons the party.
Also, instead of crouching over, Ken now stands tall when getting ready to transform into the first new dragon form of the day.
This is the Wildfire, the Golden Whelp. Your health is reduced to 10% of what human Ken's is, but his defense shoots through the fucking roof. In this battle, using Charge (an attack that does damage based off your defense), it does 400-500 damage. It's more of a novelty than anything. It's made by combining the Miracle + Thorn + Reverse Genes.
This is Bone Dance, DZ's (hey anyone else remember Discovery Zone? Good times) other special attack. It confuses everyone. Other than that, he's got a strong physical attack.
But this is what we'll be using to win this, the Miracle Gene, and I threw the Flame Gene in there too, due to the Zombie being weak to it.
The Miracle Gene is special. It combines all your party members into a massive, mean looking turtle thingie. It's got huge HP, Attack, and Defense, but it's slow as hell. It's absurdly broken...for now.
This is Meteor Strike, the Behemoth's version of a breath attack.
Flame Claw is the name of the game here. As a Behemoth, it'll do around 500-700 damage, making short work of this guy.
Dragon Zombie: Reviled one! Why must you always interfere? Why do you always restrain us!?
The Shadow Gene contains poison and death spells. Not too useful, but it's used in a few special transformations.
And now we got the Fusion Gene, one of the most fun Genes to play with. Basically, using it creates a cool looking dragon form based on an ally in your party. It acts similarly to how the character is supposed to (IE, while you can create a physically strong Nina, the Nina Dragon will always focus on magic). It doesn't work with Garr, however. It'll just turn you into a basic Whelp. Makes sense if you think about it, the Guardians aren't native to the world AND they're the Brood's enemies.
Also, that woman? She's very similar to a character in Breath of Fire II, leading many to think it's her spirit. And it would make sense, but there's again no proof.
The rest is uneventful. In this room, flip the switch 3 times to get the platform to where you can exit.
Chief: Well now, well now, Mr. Garr... Were you able to get rid of that dragon for us... Huh? Who might that young fella be?
Chief: Really? That's good news! That dragon... He ran around spitting fire on people... killed some of my men... Destroyed our machines and made a pretty bad mess o' things here...
Ken, whose been shaking his head during that conversation, collapses, overwhelmed by guilt.
Chief: Something wrong?
Chief: ...? Anyway, thanks a lot Come on down to the office and get your payment from the boss.
I'm still waiting on my coffee
That dude in the rocking chair is Gary from the intro. After going to the next house and getting our payment, we exit and make camp.
Ken has a nightmare. And it speaks volumes about his character that his idea of a nightmare is him hurting people.
Ken joins Garr at the fire
And there you have it kids. Our goal for this half of the game is to track down God and ask him shit.
I accidentally lied last update. THIS is the last region we'll discover for a while. And here's our new world map music. I prefer the other one, but this one isn't bad.
But first, let's check in on the faeries. Why not?
Cadis proceeds to yell at us for disappearing. Apparently if left alone, faeries die as evidenced by the distinct lack of Elkhair and Mayfly. It's our job to help them prosper. I've got big plans for this place.
This is the screen we'll be operating from. Free faeries are at the top. Each faerie has a set rank at abilities, evidenced by the various colored bars. The longer the bar, the better they are at said job. Red is hunting ability, green is strength for clearing and building, dark blue is merchant ability, and sky blue is intelligence. I got lucky and got one each with red, green, and sky blue maxed out, which is perfect for what you need to start.
Typically, you want 1/3 of your population hunting at all times, and until you have all 8 rooms built, you also want faeries clearing and then building. For now, we set one faerie to hunting, one to clearing, and one to being a culture scholar.
Scholar is the only job open initially. You can choose to have them be a scholar of jobs or culture. Scholar of jobs will have them open up jobs, and culture will raise your culture level.
Culture is a level that goes to 7. Basically the higher it is, the faster your village develops. Development is measured by the amount of battles. Once you get things going, you can check in every 5 battles or so for new stuff, but for now we can get away with doing it every 10 or so.
And if you're willing to put in the time now, you can get some absurdly, incredibly, MASSIVELY broken shit.
Welcome to Syn City. It's everything you expect.
While here, buy some Steel Gauntlets, the Thieves Knife, and a Silver Mail and Rood Spear if you can afford it, but that last one isn't necessary.
This guy only sells this stuff. And that's a coding error. While there IS an item that gives you unlimited Skill Ink usage, this isn't it. Manly Clothes are a Soul Gem in armor form, and only equippable by dudes.
But there's nothing to do here quite yet, so we leave.
Ogre Road is our destination.
Slashers are a palette swap of the Rippers from way back when. They have an attack called Mind Flay, which does physical damage and lowers your intelligence.
And while you're here, slash these bushes for some Horseradish. Trust me on this.
Just south of there, you can climb up a rock outcrop and find this, one of the most broken things in the game. It stops time for everyone in battle, ally and enemy, except the user.
Vagabonds are the other new enemy, and they're the counterpart to Trickers, and often appear together. While Trickers are fast and weak, Vagabonds are strong, slow, and fairly tanky.
As we're about to exit, we hear something and see a shadow darting through the trees.
The Weretiger will wreck your shit if you don't transform. It's incredibly fast and incredibly strong. Use the Miracle Gene and go to town, and eventually it'll escape.
This is Blitz. Blitz makes the user recreate domestic disturbances by throwing various furniture at all enemies in exchange for halving the users HP.
Mount Levett is my least favorite place in the game. It's incredibly short, absolutely NOTHING happens here, and the game makes you pass through the mini dungeon every time you need to pass through. It's the ONLY "road" dungeon that does this.
Blue Goblins are our new enemy here, and they use Jolt. Not too threatening.
And we're back in the Yraal Region. Where all Ken's troubles started.
But we can't pass to Wyndia for now. They're conducting an investigation, so Garr suggests having a look around.
But upon arriving in the village, Garr decides we should sleep in beds tonight. As someone who slept on the floor for 3 months once, I can definitely say that's a wonderful idea. I love camping, but sometimes you just want a bed.
Old woman: McNeil village has problems... there's a wild tiger on the loose, and the mayor's under investigation for wrong-doing... But we're still open for business--gotta make a living, eh?
Old woman: Got away!? You mean you didn't kill it!?
Old woman: A few days ago, that tiger showed up, wounded...It ran up into the Cedar Woods, up north of here! I'm not blaming you or anything... But you should stay away from the forest! There's nothing worse than hunting a wounded animal!
Old woman: Would you? Oh, that would be wonderful! I'll give you a special rate on the room as thanks!
And we get a free room for the night. Killer!
When we wake up, we see Loki in the village. Gotta say, Ken is a fucking saint. At the very least I'd be threatening the guy.
The Cedar Woods description has been changed, reflecting the state of the region.
Ken steels himself, but he's got to face the past.
Ken walks alone, and hears a tiger growling the entire way up. Turning the corner he sees...
The music really makes this scene
And Rei disappears, off to avenge Teepo.
Remember the scene in the cabin on Mount Glaus, where Rei is saying he can't use something but doesn't say what it is? THAT'S what he was talking about.
...You know what? I can never bring myself to feel even a little bit bad for Loki here. Fuck him, man.
We go towards the manor to see if Rei came for McNeil. Along the way, Garr starts to piece together everything that happened that put Ken into the path of Balio and Sunder and, ultimately, his life.
But it seems he's safe.
McNeil: N-n-n-o! You've got it all wrong! It wasn't me! Really!
And the party goes to the nearby cow pasture to catch up.
And once again, the fact that GARR WORKED DIRECTLY WITH BALIO AND SUNDER is blatantly ignored. Did anyone ever think he might know something useful?
And, as you can see, Nina has matured a lot. She's very much a take charge kinda girl now, thanks to her time with Ken.
You barely see it, since it's not even half a second, but Rei flits through the trees again, after eavesdropping.
Back on Mount Levett, there's a trapdoor here, containing a Gold Hairpin for Nina. Make sure you get it.
Also in the faerie village, Gwyneth Paltrow's baby was born.
Anyway, back in Syn City...
Another great piece of music never played again
Rei has clearly been here, and spared absolutely no one
This guy explains what happened. Rei appeared and demanded to know where the dude in charge was. Rei has gone off the deep end with this.
We also pull a Robin Hood and rob these guys.
Before entering, make sure Ken has Influence in his Skill list.
Looks like we got here just in time.
Mikba: Aargh! What do you think you're doing!? Do you know who I am?
Mikba: .........Well, then-- You know what'll happen to you if you mess with me, right? I'll ignore what you've done to Syn City... Just as long as you stop your little game now, OK?
Rei slashes at Mikba, drawing blood.
Ken and Nina quickly enter.
Mikba does something terrifying. Nina, fortunately, has her eye on him, but keeps quiet for some reason.
For the love of god, don't bring Garr to this fight, no matter what you do. I don't care how underleveled your Nina is, do NOT bring Garr.
Mikba: Afraid to hurt people? You, a man-eating tiger!? Our power's been given to us by God to use as we see fit! Use it to make your life better--like me! Ken, huh? You're the punk who killed Balio and the others, aren't you? Good! I can tie up all the loose ends at once!
And the fight against Mikba begins. Mikba is the biggest roadblock in the game, and the only boss you can't straight up cheese the fuck out of. In addition to his ridiculous defense, he has a high attack power, high reprisal rate, EXTREMELY high Lucky Strike rate, the Quake spell, Resist (no damage for one round, extremely dangerous with his counter/Lucky Strike rate), and Venom Breath. He's a tough fight no matter what you do. Not even dragon transformations will phase him.
That high reprisal and Lucky Strike rate are why Garr is useless here. Nina's agility helps, and one Slow spell lets both her and Rei EX turn Mikba. Ken and Nina are nothing but support this time around.
Step 1, revive Rei.
Once Rei is out of critical health, he'll automatically transform into his Weretiger form, the only thing that will significantly damage Mikba. Weretiger greatly increases Rei's attack, I think it triples it. However, he is under berserk status. It's like Confusion, but it's more focused towards enemies. So while he will go after your allies too, it's not nearly as much as he'll go after Mikba.
Let's fix that.
Influence will make Weretiger attack whoever is selected until the target is dead or the caster is dead or transforms. Amazingly useful for Rei. From here it's just a matter of keeping Rei's health up. Watch out for his Quake spell, too. He tends to cast it when near death.
But eventually we are victorious.
Mikba: Happy now, you freak tiger? This is what your power's for... to get rid of those who get in your way. .........Too bad, but it looks like the people you're looking for...Balio and Sunder... have already been killed by that kid there... (cough)(cough)uhhhhhh
He dies.
It's nice to see that no matter how much Nina matures, she's still the same old Nina.
And now we found Rei!
But before leaving, bring Rei inside the guardhouse and pick the lock to the door, to get the Deluxe Rod, the newest fishing rod.
And apparently, Rei never heard anything about Teepo...
So now it's time for a different kinda vote. I don't like referring to it as the "Faerie Village" so come up with a name